54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

prob not

moderating this sounds reminiscent of the worst FoL roles

foolish and masochistic

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I would definitely be interested.

Like literally carbon copy of ToL (votes in classcard), same abils, slank reaper(no account stealing poss :frowning: ]

whispers would be hard

but in theory they could work?

like someone says (/w katze i’ll suck your toes for a dollar) and it’s announced that they are whispering.

like in their CC

Fool is a great FoL role

I think the idea of an NE that has to proactively push specifically mislynches is interesting

what’s the issue?


Hosting that sounds awful


you know what I meant

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i would still do it.

with fool.
literally exact same as ToL

if you account-jump someone, the host tells them to stop talking and sticks them in a DM with you, and you tell them what to post

i think whispers would make it being a turbo very very hard for the host

and reaper would be a bit of a meme?

the whole game would be a meme and a true pain for the host

… i’d still do it

the day is gonna end while host proceeds night actions

tho given ToL bugginess thats gonna be kinda accurate

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honestly running a very-close-to-ToL setup on the forums (without slank reaper, no) would be interesting cause of the feedback

have fun fakeclaiming you nerds

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I fakeclaim Inquisitive King.

there is a reason we have limited feedback

old games were basically just ‘massclaim and use full feedback to win’ (as opposed to what we have now, which I assure you is completely different)

neutral king neutral king

yeah i figured that was a big part of the feedback change

so why not go back to that for one game

i might work on this later tbh

especially now that fucking pretender is gone

what would i do with trollbox/silence tho :eyes:

A turbo could work without limited feedback

make it exactly like ToL (while keeping phase lengths at FM length)

prevent them from posting for 20 seconds
