54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


well a day in ToL is… 90 seconds, right?

so having it be 11 hours in a 48 hour day would be about the same :^)

FM bad tho :wink:

Have fun with court spy

This game would need like 3 hosts - and 1 is dedicated to whispers lmfao

court spy has been removed because fuck

honestly we could just steal BOTF whispering

or just remove whispering

@sulit why didnt you invite me to your minecraft world

i showed you my toebeans

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bc im mining away

do you know what to mine

yes ill mine this anyway

im gonna cease this heresy before it gets out of hand

are you playing modded or vanilla :eyes:

kinda vanilla im playing on a survival server

He’s playing Pistachio flavored MC.


how is this different from vanilla

A lot of survival servers aren’t exactly vanilla.


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plugins and stuff
