54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

this was more along the lines of what i expected from you

it was a joke :frowning:


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is that going to be your excuse when you start a new religion

imma start Scientology 2

For science.

hey guys we shouldn’t do this because it would be bad

Some random guy:we can make a religion out of this

okay real talk here

if you (this is directed towards everybody) made a religion what would it be like

someones gotta link it

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if i started a religion it would probably be one to take down the other religions to be the coolest one.


how do you propose to do that


Sigh… I already like Marshal’s idea more.

idk get a bunch of millennials or sum shit
athiests would be accepted to.

Basically we would scoop up all of the ex-[whatever religion] and form our own gamer one

my religion would probably be a step or two away from anarchism tbh

eventually with enough members we could like fake sacred texts and shit and create a hierarchy and bait some dumbasses into joining

that’s the literal definition of a cult


yeah basically

the cult to end all cults


gamer moment

but not all religions are cults so what’s your real endgame