54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

did I forgot to mention that now mother has someome trying to murder them + been accused of committing a crime


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tbh if this was already the case i wouldn’t be surprised

No, I’m too aware :eyes:
I’m like the guy who lets himself getting brainwashed by free will
But I’m also always aware that it is a brainwash, which makes you immune to losing your own self
Even when I try to reeeeee
I have some experiences already

I don’t support religion but I don’t think all religions are cults and some are healthy.

but a legit cult, one that cuts you out from the outside world and intimidates you into staying, will ruin your life and only make you unhappy for a long long time.


No it was recent as it was the same day I heard about them admiting to joining a cult


oh wait

i thought you were talking about something else


i thought you were joking about priestess

because shes my mother

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Same :eyes:

No my mother is just insane at this point

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hi FK


all religions are cults
they’re just socially accepted

what is the definition of a cult

oh, i see

im sorry to hear that then

very fucking common

@anon97870008 read about this before you consider joining a cult. They are all much like this


the time approaches

italy are you joining a cult