54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Ah yes, the perfect setup for me.

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hey anstreim
you should play The Order FM

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what was your reaction to his hero vote on you

whenever i feel inclined to host it

I think this is a very poor idea.

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Think reverse anarchy


i can rejoin scum chat and look for it

you slightly broke the rules
mod kill :^)

Inb4 marshal survives that game

if i ever make a setup and get it past review on this site
expect some really weird roles

Actually this would be the perfect game to force kat into because he’s a chaotic pleblord.
I have no trouble following the rules but I do have trouble playing :^)

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Just play the game

picture spam


theres a bit more but yeah

i went through a lot of emotion

whats this you slightly insulted someone as a joke
modkill for toxicity

basically insane interprtation of the rules :^)

Ami let’s be serious here, have you ever met me.

Modkill the mod for abusing mod privileges

maybe i could get to know you better :wink:


I’ll politely decline.


i dont want to betray daddy zen