54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

town is a myth propagated by false korea to undermine best korean morale

and the lost wolves slowly realize as they are added to the main pack that there is nobody to fight
the game doesn’t end until a nolynch

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I told you mine was going to be unfun and unoriginal

what were you expecting

more than 1 game to happen on april fuckin fools maybe >:(

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@orangeandblack5 how many times has ghost town been hosted

this one i genuinely think could potentially be interesting if whoever you recruited first became backup recruiter (randed if u die without recruiting anyone)

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idk how fun or fair but interesting

Guys im currently sitting on a skateboard and rolling down the hallway as i clean the hardwood

This is true efficiency


you have 300 iq

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It was fun to spectate, at the very least.

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i wouldn’t even be able to fulfill the first step


You are actually me

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p e a k

e f f i c i e n c y

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lies you were typing that message >:(

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D colon

Ruby thinks I’m trying to play and I might die of cuteness overload

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My cat keeps sitting on my desk but she doesn’t let me pet her it’s very sad


She looks very cute

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take pictures instead

she’s bad at pictures

I will try

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