54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

do you want to duel me
because i can just make a seperate server

At least two

i’m currently locked in an intense duel with someone from louisiana
the duels are so close that they’re decided by mere miliseconds


everyone always says yee haw

no one ever asks haw yee

Great, just when I thought that I wanted to get back into creating a mash, I have an idea for another mash that contains more characters than the previous one


combine the mashes


the fastest known draw known to man is actually 207 ms
i have broken my limits as a human

i mean reacting that fast is literally impossible

also i forgot about that name

hi leve

don’t call me that


it’s an old nickname that i don’t really use anymore
i’d prefer if you just called me italy

normally id ignore that and continue

but this is the closest to being serious i think ive ever seen you be

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Then you’d get a SpongeBob Anime Mash made by Disney

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ok france

this sounds hilarious

@Italy i challenge you to a duel at dawn


i will kick your ass in a duel