54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Er, I think that’s a reality that if you have romantic feelings for another man knowingly then it is gay




It’s a meme

That is so true gays want everything to be gay.

insert gay seal meme because I’m on mobile and too lazy

I would make a gay joke…

Butt fuck it.

Do you consider yourself gay? And if so, do you want everyone else to be?

Lily can’t be gay she is a girl. (I hope)

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I thought being gay was NGI

Non-gender indicative

Gay just means Homosexual my dude

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I am bisexuals and I sure as hell don’t want everything to be gay.

All people from Lesbos are Lesbians :+1:

Do gays consider bisexual to be gay/vice versa?

Technically correct

Personally I consider bisexuals to be bi

If I called a bisexual gay what is the general reaction?

Probably just an “um actually” correction

remmeber when gay still meant Happy and we didn’t have to make pointless semantic arguments that aren’t even semantic arguments?

sigh we really should reverse the meaning back to its original one now.

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