54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

if it wasnt a RT you’d have been seen as a competent town that game

“but what if i heal a scumlean”

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but if i could go back and change one thing
i would’ve just hero shot you

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he may be a better villager than he is a wolf, but he doesn’t get mislynched just because he understands how to circumvent his near-requirement for wolf blood every few days and has a fairly unreadable tone. you have to read him in unconventional ways.

You realize that I won 2/3 scum games?

the fact that his meta is fairly hard to read once the requirement of “Newcomb has been part of lynching a wolf” has been met does not mean that he’s suddenly and magically NAI and you should lynch him

that’s not how this works

people who are difficult to read because they’re consistently wolfy get mislynched a lot

people who are difficult to read because they’re consistently villagery don’t get mislynched very often

i don’t know which i even fall under

italy fakes hero shot
actually would’ve killed strongest scum role if he had the balls to do it

And in the one game I didnt win as scum I got solo mvp

italy takes real shot
kills 3 town

conclusion: be consistently villagery. work on your skill when it comes to reads. only attempt FPSes if you’re sure they’re productive. the fact that you keep getting mislynched is not because we’re toxic.

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there’s just no winning

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italy: doesnt wait for eevee to explain things

eevee: spends an hour deadposting



i like how eevee completely ignored being pinged 8 times from dead chat and posted while dead for several minutes

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and I’ve won … 6/7 groupscum games (in the interest of clarity: this includes the game where I was converted N2, includes games where I was a lost wolf, doesn’t include Danganronpa because it was canned, doesn’t include neut games, and doesn’t include Anarchy because that was a Misc)


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and also one of those wolf games was won because the setup was brokenly wolfsided, so it doesn’t count

have i only played 1 groupscum game

well i guess tos mafia (L) and vanilla nightless (W…eh, i barely count that)

So I won 2/3 scum games, got caught by poe shenanigans and got mvp in the third, and you say Im a bad scum player?