54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

marshal was a lucky fucky


i feel like this can be interpreted wrong so i’ll just say “lucky fucker”

filled with actual working FPS, me correctly reading a lot of wolves, and being president

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i blame emilia for breathing
if she breathes; she a wolf

and hell, besides fucking up arete and pilica, I still managed to do well and actually tried to lead a CFD(onto a wolf)

oh i still have VMMM open



this aged well

“is there a world im not lynched”
doesnt get lynched :^)

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if I hadn’t been shot 2 hours and 23 minutes into JoJo FM it would easily be my best town game

as it is all I got to do was semi-directly cause the death of one wolf and indirectly cause the death of a second and clear a bunch of villagers only to be ignored


that uni shot fucking sucked the life out of me

he was our deepwolf and that whole thing is part of the reason i dislike dead interaction in general

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the fact that there were 5 wolves on a lynch with only 8 chosen voters was kind of stupid though

I think the dead are dead for a fucking reason, and they should stay dead

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and they had like way more of the vote

fun fact

i was like 30 seconds away from /inning on jojos

i don’t think i should say exactly why i didnt but i kinda wish i did in on it


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also kind of disappointed that alice never answered any of my questions :eyes:

I think that’s a legitimate and valid take

but also that your partner getting shot as a direct result of you dayvigging me 2 hours and 23 minutes in is a pretty good meme

ToL makes me despise dead interaction as a whole

and what ive played of ToS

aka ret exists

medium is dumb too but nobody knows how to play it and everybody leaves when they die anyway

so katze

who’s the correct answer


you didn’t even answer with a name, why would i tell you