54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Did you know a group of Rhinos is called a Crash

What’s a group of crows called? It’s a homicide isn’t it?

A murder, yeah


I was meme-ing

A group of Ravens is called an Unkindness

Uhhh… I was too! :slight_smile:

Regardless, I don’t believe that once someone is saved they are forever saved

And that if someone is condemned to hell, then there is no way out. That’s what the bible is all about in some aspects.

Theism is a paradoxical thing

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@lily are you boy or girl

Could you describe hell to me?

The absence of God



Look on her profile. She’s actually a boob

Sorry, I mispoke.

Are you a boy, girl or apache attack helicopter?

[Professor Oak Intensifies]

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By contrast you would define heaven as having the presence of god? Then basically with your belief that I’m presuming, we already live in heaven now?

Can we fucking stop with the helicopter shit already

Apache attack helicopter.

It’s fucking 2018

Do you contain the chromosomes xx or xy?

Heaven would be being in union with God, so not exactly