54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

italy is only the cutest catgirl if he accepts his headpats

which he won’t

hands off

He’s a majestic cat
We are not worthy to give him headpats
D colon

i am opening the box and patting your head whether you like it or not, texan

Headpats require consent meow

Can I give you a headpat?

Only if she gives you a headpat in return.

God do I love waking up to the lovely sounds of drilling every single day, what a joy.

Can I give you a headpat, Anstreim?

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I’ll politely decline :eyes:


Just 2 more episodes and I’ll know whether or not I was right about who the mole was.

/pat Jane

Anstreim can you sacrifice me or grant me some of your divine powers?

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technically it was PMFM

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kind of wish i played it
but i don’t regret not joining a forum which has zero relevance to me overall

aerospace :thinking:

ferst doesn’t really offer stuff that relevant to aerospace
there’s other stuff far more relevant there that I did in HS instead

actually to properly play it you’d have had to have joined two forums with zero relevance to youy


fair point

gotta love me forgetting I was IC and getting lynched by the way

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dude you just straight forgot to play lel