54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

it obviously counts as a game but I tend to think I don’t get to count it as one of my best games

no that’s not what happened. I was asleep at EoD.

Part of why i stayed away from first was also probably because I got scarred by a terrible experience in FLL

tbf you guys were basically winning that anyways


Normally I’d be awake buuuut work was piling up at school and I was sleeping more.

yes I am aware

also at least 2 of the 3 high schools i attended didn’t offer FRC/FTC
if not all 3

@Arete did you ever figure out a solution to your fitness dilemma

fwiw if you know this much about it it seems like it may in fact be decently relevant to you :stuck_out_tongue:

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cannot recommend a CD account


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No lol
It’s an FTC forum
If i didn’t do FTC, i’m not going to join the forum

anyway so update on FM: Lexica. It’s going well. It’s going to be even more stupid than "ToL"FM

It’s actually FJLL/FLL/FTC/FRC

But mostly FRC

unfortunately I don’t think it can work with whisper mechanics but you never know

Like i said, I developed a huge disdain for first after how badly my FLL experience scarred me
So again, no.

yes, I figured out how to cast dance videos to the TV and there exist forms of dance-related exercise that don’t suck

this is not a perfect approach but it’s marginally okay


And I developed a disdain for CD so we’re all good

we all know that ddr and only ddr meets these criteria


I learned the hard way with NP’s survivor game that I’m absolutely never joining a forum that has zero relevance to me whatsoever outside of FM occasionally on the side ever again.

(i’ve never played any pokemon game and never will)

Guitar hero tho
can you get swole doing it