54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I fail to see how that lesson follows from NP’s survivor game

It doesn’t. the game was acceptable
The UI was just too terrible and that forum community was too utterly irrelevant to me that i greatly regret making an account there which will now never be deleted

i have even more disdain for first than I have for gamefreak and that’s quite a feat
so i’d feel even more regret if i ever made a CD account
so i def will not

i mean FM is literally illegal on that site so you don’t have to


Lol what

the CDFM forums used a nearly-identical interface, it was one of the main advantages

of course, CDFM doesn’t exist anymore, so at this point making an account would be pointless, but

Circumstances™ are fun, aren’t they are.

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okay i still don’t get why people like the UI here???
like it’s alright but MU’s is infinitely better

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pages are bad though

yes i know CD uses discourse
I just loathe first so deeply that it absolutely would not be worth the cost emotionally / psychologically for me to make an account there

MU doesnt update unless u refresh

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pages are better than “lol here’s every post have fun scrolling if you didn’t memorise the post number”

WHAT lol
this place has infinitely seamless auto-updating

i am okay with pressing a fast refresh button if it means having pages

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Discourse lets you search, you don’t need postnums memorized

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I’m absolutely not

i just prefer pages okay

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I prefer no pages

How did FM get banned on CD
@Icibalus @orangeandblack5 @Arete

the one thing about MU’s interface that’s better is that you can get instant automatic VCs

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