54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

also the mafia stuff is far-better integrated even if PMs don’t behave like private threads
i’m just used to it as it’s a better version of Pphb, which was what ToS used


I despise bot-run games so eh

they decided that they didn’t like people posting words on their forum


Pages are better because you can just memorize page number instead of having to spam your bookmarks/re-search everyone’s posts each time you want to check them.

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and we posted a lot of words

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i still don’t like Discourse’s UI that much, and I also don’t like how barebones the post editing and formatting is


why do you hate bot-run games???



because its too fast phased which prevents thoughtfull discussion

i literally cut out the rule that says you can’t communicate about the game outside of the game and made it so you could so long as I was included in the DM

it’s hard for me to describe
But that feeling combined with my disdain for MU’s UI means I most certainly will never go back there

/whisper Ans Pretender here, I checked you last night, what are you?

dude mashes only use modbot for votecounts and sometimes ITAs, and automatic games are far more convenient for simple vanilla setups. modbot can also be used to autorand setups even if they’re manual
i say this because I’ve spent far too long learning how everything works in that thing

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Ah I see, I suppose that does make sense.

I’m a Fool, please execute me to fulfill my win condition :^)

sorry mate
I just can’t stand bot-run stuff or MU’s UI

I then put in a mechanic that makes people gain extra ability strength based on how much people talk about them behind their backs and an ability that nukes private chats.

MU has searches too