54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I think after simon outed the existence of the second game-thread Marshal went and evacuated that thread to create a new Everyone but Simon and Arete chat. this continued for about 2 more chats until Arete killed Marshal

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you played pretty well even if you slanked d1 (which was unavoidable, I know), and your choice of night/day actions were good.

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Apologies for gimmicking that class to get double the number of thread destructions Lmao

That actually sounds hilarious. I wish I could ask for links but I’m assuming all those chats got wiped post-game so it wouldn’t be the same reading through it now?

nah they’re just buried in the depths of my DMs, and making them all public would be kinda pointless

Yeah, that’s what I assumed anyway.

other highlights include Eevee and Arete moving their chat into a pre-existing group chat and Arete consulting Orangeandblack5 (who was not a player) for advice on the game. i screwed that up but I really should’ve expected it and planned something around that

the game tapered off pretty quickly after people started dying though, which is part of the reason why I’m thinking of testing out 12/12 since games with short phase lengths very rarely taper off like 48/24 or 72/24 can

like that’s a big problem on this site. games tend to become inactive fairly quickly with 48/24, but that can’t really happen in 12/12, which part of the reason why despite the timezone problems that format has endured


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some inactivity is infinitely better than sleeping through multiple phases entirely


you aren’t obliged to join?

I’m not suggesting remotely that it becomes our standard, but I’m just saying that it’s possible and I’d like to test it.

apologies for being rude but the idea of 12/12 is so appalling to me that i would hope it doesn’t work properly here at all

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it’s incredibly useful for hosting larger games since it makes them really fast, which prevents the tapering off of activity usual to longer games on this site

that’s the only reason I’m considering it, because we hyperpost in early phases and then endgames are boring

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there will never be interest in extremely large games here like there is on MU

if you don’t want to play a 12/12 then don’t join a 12/12

problem solved

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i am also not suggesting we host actually massive games like 70ps or whatever
