54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I would like to try a 40p at some point, but that would have to be 48/24

It’s Not like there is max games u can run on this site At same time


12/12s are literally designed to end within a week

that’s not really a problem since they end much quicker than other games

I think it’s reasonable to expect that not everyone will be interested in every game, and that’s fine

I didn’t join Marshal’s game because post caps make me sad but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist

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also this kind of comment is a bit insensitive IMHO
it’s not a matter of desire
my severe insomnia just makes 12/12 or any 12-length phase physically impossible, and you know this

again, it’s a 12/12. it ends faster. problem solved.

it’s never going to supplant our phase lengths and I don’t intend it to, but I’m saying that it’s worth trying out for certain games that work better if they’re faster

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what I’m saying is MtG: Time Spiral FM lol

and other people might find that 12/12s work better for them, for any number of reasons

for most reasonable variations in what people might prefer, I think the solution is to have multiple options and let people join the games that work for them

i understand that
But it felt that you were directing that “want” comment precisely at me

which again, was a bit insensitive

i apologize for my post expressing my desire for your 12/12 game to fail @Icibalus
that crossed the line and was not okay

just because you have important reasons to want something doesn’t mean that you don’t want it

nah it’s alright i get it
i wasn’t sold on 12/12 until I tried it too
now i was the top poster in the most recent mash on MU

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remember this @Icibalus?

the classic “Local Mafia Fears Cult Leader Because They Kill Their Ritualist Lost Wolf” @anon6348071

ah yes the ““cult leader””, yes, that thing that definitely existed

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fwiw that’s really not how I remember it at all

I just started screaming at both of them that darth was scum without having read literally any of the game


yes that’s why it was funny