54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Why does it matter tho

im putting hyperlinks in my spreadsheet fol timeline

and i dont have a link to sfol 46 because im not sure which thread even is sfol 46

please vote


please send help I can’t find my cats face


are you sure that’s not a dog

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Is the kitty soft

i stole it

thx for the kitty

:frowning: I want a pet.


I’m bored does anyone want to play wolfia or popcorn

No, you do not

Or rather you don’t want 5 cats and a dog

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Hi bored, I’m also bored.

why you steal my name

is this from personal experience

because i’d totally be happy with 2 more cats rn

Personal experience

No, you’re “bored” and I’m “also bored”.

i mean

up until recently we had 4 cats

and i never thought 4 was too much, so 5 would probably be fine?


it’s fine until it’s not fine

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i think you’re just too weak to have that many cats