54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Gays literally only want one thing and it’s fucking disgusting.

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Nice try you’ll never sequence my DNA

Chromosomes donut matter

Do you contain the chromosomes xx or xy?

I’m a helicopter.

All right, interesting answers.

In seriousness Pokémon symphonic evolutions are freaking amazing

What chromosomes do helicopters have

wait this isn’t google

Is there free v bucks in heaven?

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If anyone says the word helicopter again I’m locking the fucking thread


Learn some fucking respect

I think I’ve seen you state somewhere that you are an atheist, would you describe yourself realistically as an atheist or an agnostic?

why do you care it is a joke

Atheist 100%.

You’re not funny you’re not cool just fucking stop

pls don’t get this thread locked while I’m having a serious discussion

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So you believe that there is absolutely no way God or gods can exist?

Yeah sex is great but have you tried free v bucks?

It is a joke that pokes fun of me and infantilises me

Just fucking respect people