54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I feel you on this. I’ve already been taking online courses before this whole pandemic thing, my life has barely changed but I feel for people who got strongly affected by it. Being holed up at home all of a sudden must feel like hell for some.

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i send y’all my love and support for what it’s worth

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that’s more like it
srsly though you flatter me i’m just being myself

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this is a giant mood actually
shouldn’t stop us from trying though should it

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not everybody can just “be themselves” and simultaneously be consistently pleasant (and usually more than just that) to talk to

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the only thing that makes me have a vaguely good sleep schedule is the fact that i can’t sleep during the day due to light levels


ici has superpowers this isn’t fair


i love sleeping during the day

nighttime is the best time to be awake

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see I do prefer being awake during the night, but again
I cannot sleep during the day

Until both your neighbors start drilling every day since 11 AM and your life turns into hell :^)

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i forget i have neighbors most of the time tbh

My cat lives with my mom, so yeah.



the worst part of it is that most of the ways it sucks for me are ways that would be fine if I were just a better version of myself

most of the things I’ve been having issues with are kind of objectively unreasonable to struggle with

and yet



i guess it helps that i don’t talk one of my neighbors because of some personal shit that happened yhears ago, and i never really talked to the other ones (i don’t even know their names)


the light levels would have to be pretty much pitch black, so i’d have to be in a windowless room, but those rooms are very hot most of the time, so I’d have to have an air conditioner on, but those are too loud, and… as you can see sleeping for me is basically me carefully managing noise, light, and temperature desperately trying to reach ideal conditions.

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that’s a problem

im a firm believer that everybody should have a cat

nice time you’re over there you should totally give it a hug for me tho cause its adorbs

this is perfectly understandable bc i’ve felt that way about myself as well
you’re just phrasing it in a significantly funnier way but it’s basically the same thing
solution? just… keep trying i guess
i haven’t exactly fixed everything yet so i can’t be like “oooh it’s ez”
but i try and hopefully i’ll get there eventually

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