54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Well so do I but like I said, with the pandemic around everyone’s staying at home so this is what happens.
Not like I can’t handle it I’ve pulled 24h+ without sleep a plenty of times but it’s still not pleasant in the end.
Especially if I want to try and maintain my ‘normal’ sleeping schedule because the vast majority of my friends and acquaintances are American.

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icibalus has reached sleeping saiyan iv

Do you need me to smack you again. You are just fine, Arete. You are better than fine.


ive done this like twice and its mentally fucked me up both times

My record has been 48-50 hours and that was probably the worst experience of my life.

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and this is what happens when I go even further beyond

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jesus fuck what did you do to sleep 48-50 hours

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the most ??? effect sleep deprivation has ever had on me is the time when I pulled an all-nighter and stopped being able to read words

like, I was in class, staring at the blackboard, and I just couldn’t make my brain process what it meant

and I wound up taking notes by just mimicking the shapes on the blackboard

this has only happened once in a lot more than one all-nighter and I still have no idea what on earth happened to cause it


:newspaper_roll: Without sleep you nerd


imagine only staying up 50~ hours without sleep


oh god hes a weeb

I’ve considered going 72h+ before but I don’t really want to and I have no reason to.

the one time i stayed up for 24 hours…
…i don’t even remember what happened
i think i was falling asleep everywhere i went

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you get a bunch of gamerscore if you do, though

its not really worth it

>one time

you’re so pure


zzz thisgagisdumb zzzzzzzzzzz

i honestly think arete’s admirable in many ways so the “bad at being a person” thing is also exaggerated

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i did it once and took active effort never to do it again

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