54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

it was terrible
just… no
big no

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regularly stays up 24+ hours on accident

I think I’ve told you before but back when I went to uni, my sleep schedule was basically:
Wake up at 4 AM, stay though the morning, go to uni at 8 AM, come back home at 3 PM, pass out > repeat.
On the days when we had extremely long courses, this is precisely what I felt. There were also points where I felt like passing out but thankfully that never happened.

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that’s because mostly I don’t go into detail about all the ways in which I’m bad at being a person

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i didn’t understand what people were saying to me i was just
“wha? hm? wut?”

as you can imagine, it wasn’t a good day at work

“DO X!”
vul: “??? durrrrrr”

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once you get past the 36~ hour mark it gets weird

the only time i’ve ever slept in a bright place is on an aeroplane after having been awake for 22 hours

i don’t think i’m allowed to say it on the forums but i’ve found out that something is very very interesting when you’re sleep deprived

i’m not sure why you wouldn’t be allowed to say it unless it’s like
really nsfw or something


did you meet 🅺🅴🆅🅸🅽 or what?

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Go back to previous pfp

i don’t know what this means but the answer is probably yes

this is sleeping dimitri

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the OG avatar returns


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I think I know what you want to say but I might be wrong.

i think i remember someone mentioning that talking about it was against forum rules but i also don’t remember

and being mysterious is fun