54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


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marshal would probably be a WiM [power role], whoose abilities only work if he posts too much

Can I be a jester fool
That would fit :stuck_out_tongue:

remember that time you posted geyde’s ENTIRE iso
and remember that time you linked to all of alice’s posts in a wolfchat in a game on mu
that was wild
and that’s why you would be the ISO cop
a cop that gets alignment during the day but requires you to wallpost their entire iso from the current game and to look for their other games, possibly on dfferent sites

town meta cop

actually meta fullcop for that bonus mafia academy meme

no fools allowed

what would i be.

oh duh, mechanics oracle

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Remember when N1 posted the whole ISO from someone from another site
And he noticed there is a 200000 chara cap on posts here

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yes lol
I’ve made multiple of the longest posts on this site by posting ppls’ entire iso’s lol

I’m definitely the only person here who’s broken the 150,000 character intra-post limit at least a half dozen times

*150,000 char


Was it 150k or 200k?

i’ve just broken the “20 consecutive replies” limit pls help me
you know where it is

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it’s 150k
it’s always been 150k

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that game was a quadruple hydra 16’er lol

astand would obviously be the neutral fruit vendor announced at the start of the game


and possibly mafia-aligned

I ran out of likes


I’m going to yeet my phone to the middle of the Pacific Ocean

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…what would I be?

alice would be a role that has 4 different abilities that make her self-resolving but she can’t use any of them while she’s alive