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The host of other things being what and to what purpose, presuming god has some purpose? Do you personify/humanize god or not?

the thing I like to say about most arguments both for and against god is that they make logical sense but they don’t actually work because the sheer complexity of a being as important as a god would include osme outside factors that we physically cannot understand

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God of the gaps yaddy yaddy yaddah?

god of the gaps is an argument against creationism and not against theism as a whole imo


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I predict this ending in someone going “And that’s why i converted to the Church of Sugma.”
“What’s Sugma?”
“Sugma dick ecks dee!”


Wow are you making fun of my Ligma diagnosis? Shame on you.

Yes I do, I think that the jump from Atheism to Deism and Deism to Theism is each their individual shift and I find irbid difficult breaking them down


And that’s why I converted to the church of Sugma.

What’s church? (Sarcasm)

Just a building and not a collection of people :wink:

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I hate sugandese food. Tastes disgusting. Anyone else agree with me?


So, Marcus, do you believe in a sort of semi-panthiestic god with an intelligence or a more traditional Tinkering Watchmaker god?

I asked Solic what would prove the existence of God to him, he responded if God himself found critical response to Sol’s doubts about Theism/Deism. I think this is flawed in some ways but now that I think about it it’s kind of genius

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:thinking: is this question kind of like the Arminianism/Calvinism thing?

It’s genius that I believe God would inevitably be the reason Solic becomes a Theist, but through other people/creation if you understand what I’m getting at

i think the real reason I’m still more atheist than agnostic is because I have a fundamental disagreement with morality being derived from an outside source.

Do you believe in moral absolutism or moral relativism?