54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

reinforced cookie tell me a random fact

Oh feck

is italy irish

Italy is italian

shut up chleb

katze is katzian

no u :flushed:


Why did we agree to this

Amelia you still didn’t answer where did you get that thing and why do you have it saved.

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Do I look like I know


I have a random picture of orange juice in my gallery

Oh wait, you do. I remember now.

I think I remember where I got it actually
Ami posted it at one point then I saved it for some reason

the one benefit of that … story … existing is that kat has mostly stopped trying to get me to write it myself

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write it

I’m sincerely sorry you had to see his ‘request’.

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get a room

Oh, you never saw part 2?