54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


what the fuck are you telling me animals are less people then humans

Please ignore my sister, she’s dumb

I’m sure if you ask nicely people will tell you the truth


Maybe we should experiment on her to learn how to make people smart

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wait no pls

It’s for societies own benefit

Yes, this sounds like a good idea

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your objection has been noted and will be heavily considered before we experiment on you

pls dont

my cats need me

It’s okay, I can take care of Sensei

no hes mine

go away

your cats will be taken care of while you take your vacation

I’m taking Sensei

and Artemis

you can have the twins

sensei goes to mom




Geyde why are you one of the very few reasonable people here. I’m liking you more and more by the day.

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Sir we are going to need to investigate your notepad further to see if any other contraband is there

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