54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

the first results are an instagram, twitter, and a wow account

what the fuck i don’t have a twitter either


i jsut saw taht

i had an instagram
but i deleted it
doesn’t serve much use if you’re wholly incapable of maintaining IRL relationships
and im not a stalker

Let’s see… I exploited the Harry Potter style house system that the school institued to turn people of Red House and Green House against each other…

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vul confirmed


gEAsoigaemk NO

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i was bullied into making an instagram, so i posted cat pictures there for a bit

i dont actually remember what the account was tho

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Its the same with my real name. There are a few mods who call me with real name, but for everyone else I’m Priestess, not Virginia
even when my discord name is literally Virginia

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Obviously, it wasn’t a serious conflict, but watching the chaos unfold was beautiful.

yes you are priestess

or mom



finally i can figure out how to pronounce your name, vulgard

my childhood friend betrayed me and when i was possibly gonna make another i decided to start ignoring them for some reason
oh boy adolescent vulgard’s misadventures are kinda sad

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other than that i do try hard to hide my name in places like these


I mean, I’m even calling myself so in irl sometimes :joy:

oh yeah smolgard really liked to destroy stuff
i kicked walls

i’m over that by now but yeah

oh I forgot the reason I did all of this! yes, the reason why I manufactured a series of pointless conflicts was so I could stand by the door and wait for parents to come in and say “welcome to vietnam” to them

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