54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

but Ici

what if we add an NK

you’d help me design it? :eyes:

you’ve ruined it

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it’s a closed mash so helping me design it excludes you from the potential playerlist by default

i mean I’m by no means the best judge of good design but sure

jgoes told me she’s not playing here anymore

i’m fine with that. I don’t have to be in every game


i don’t really have a lot of stuff made for it yet, just the basic mechanics and flavor

and like 4 roles

when the setup is designed around 30+ players that’s really not much to boast of

true but basic mechanics and design theme are important, especially in a mash

I can help somehwat I think maybe

i can say it’s medieval/fantasy themed

and it has itas

does joycatting increase ITA chance


we have 23 minutes until Ikoria: Lair of OP Creatures comes out

Will pictures increase ITA chance?

joycatting is our contribution to mafia terminology huh

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:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

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