54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Half a day?

It was like 10 posts

They tricked me repeatedly, in total about 15 minutes.

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I noticed that something is wrong because they have indeed different writing styles :eyes:

smol aret story

see I would literally never do this

But that’s really down to a difference of situation

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What about big arete story

Okay you have no excuse lol


I really genuinely do not relate

I mean

Does disliking my IRL name count as one

I never call myself Jgoesgaming because it’s a cringy name I came up with at like 10 years old.

Why’s that

I sometimes mumble the names of people on the forum when I’m thinking of people
That’s mostly it other than the crazed rants about the foundations of social deduction and how it works

Never been a fan of it

I’m not gonna say it for obvious reasons :eyes:

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At least your last name isn’t an abomination

Well, probably

I mean

You don’t know that :eyes:

I like my real name
But I like the kind of anonymity my alias gives me
It reminds me on my duty everytime I see my name

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Priestess draws furry porn???



Hence the probably
I’d wager that it isn’t the target of the same two jokes incessantly by ever person that meets you

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Oh yeah I forgot about you lol