54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


I can’t say that I’m the victim of those kinds of jokes

I don’t like my real name.

Are you really orange
Your tone is completely different than I’d expect


For obv reasons

Priestess took over his account

ha weak

it wasn’t anything different when I drew horses for a long time

And I mean My name not yours

What do you even mean

No that’s normal

Why is your IP in area 51

orange is my paradoxical son now OwO

For reference I meant forgot about your name not forgot you exist



You were posting in a way that I hadn’t come to expect from you
Possible irrational bout of thought because it’s 4:33 AM

What way is that

And why is it not my normal

@Arete so it turns out that I already have a copy of Too Like The Lightning in my father’s small library of weirdass books downstairs.

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you guys probably aren’t discussing this anymore because there’s like 1000 posts but

Somewhat serious

How would you motivate yourself to improve, to do stuff, to get better? Like there comes a point where people are motivated to do stuff just because they have so little time. They want to make a change in the time they have. Without that limiter what will motivate you to actually do things. If you’re depressed one day what’s going to get you out of bed, it’s not like you have limited time. You could just stay there forever and nothing would happen.

That last part sounded really depressing


I’ve Never been motivated by having limited amount of time(in Life) so