54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

only cookies till 20 000 count :upside_down_face:


emilia technically has 0 cookies

h_hja and hjasik have cookies

those are my weaker forms

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i have no cookies
but discobot has predicted that today is my time to shine

bad pickup line: are you emelia? because you make me hja-sick

cookie thread has reached 49989 posts

Marshal: I wont let you get away with cookie KING CRIMSON

marshal any pickup line you do is bad

you’re not wrong


my favorite pick up line is “get in the trunk, stop resisting or i shoot you”

I’ve noted the usage of the second e in emilia’s name :eyes:

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i’ve got 6 girls with that ome :sunglasses:

my only fear is eevee
because of his pfp

ima just sit here and keep reloading the page

the cookie is MINE

i am inevitable

@discobot fortune

does italy suck?

:crystal_ball: Cannot predict now

@discobot fortune

does italy suck

:crystal_ball: Cannot predict now