54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

italy is a god

@discobot quote
what does marshal suck

wow k

@discobot fortune

is italy straight

:crystal_ball: Don’t count on it

:crystal_ball: Signs point to yes

@discobot roll 1d120

if this number is 92

then italy sucks

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:game_die: 92



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it ever just get so problematic with trying to get a bad answer vs italy that you have to start cheating discobot

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@discobot am i straight

@discobot fortune

will i get the cookie

:crystal_ball: Yes

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but who was the yes for>

dread it
run from it
destiny arrives all the same

hey let’s give discobot the cookie

@discobot fortune

Does italy secretly love knights?

@discobot is kat a dude?

:crystal_ball: Ask again later