54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Asking the marl? Are you crazy?

I just want to clear it with him ahead of time.

no necromancy


Nerbins make a new topic but disguise it

Morl can I make a new War of the Themes?

Literally disguise it

No. I’m gonna be honest.

it’s not funny honestly
just make a poll here or something

but at the same time i literally can’t tell you no because it’s not against any rules

That’s the thing.
I don’t know how to make a poll.
Also, I never said I thought it was funny.

Make poll please.

I’ll be nice and just do it here.

“White is pure while Black is filled with Despair,”

“No matter which path would you choose,”

“It would never lead you toward the end of the line.”

sips tea in peace :tea:

But what about grey?
Vague philosophy yourself out of this one.


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Yeah, I know how to do that part.
I always mess it up somehow though with anonymity and things like that.

What choice do I do?

You literally just check “Show who voted”

that’s it