54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Doesn’t mean you should make grammatical errors as well.

Where? :thinking:

Quick-editing piece of

No, you just misquoted me. :eyes:

Can mods see quick-edits, out of curiosity?
I always assumed they could.

I’ll host a non-newbie SFoL Hydra, but I either want it to be
A. Anonymous

or B. I pick some hydras :smiling_imp:

Why not both?

I choose b.


Don’t do A please.

Y not? No player meta

I want to know who I play with though.

Did someone call for “Ghost Town”? :eyes:

Solic and Alice is a hydra

They death tunnel each other


Can’t wait for a person to forgot who their hydra was and death tunnel them selves

If Memesky was here, I would pair him with Pug/Noz because why not.

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No, they only deathtunnel town
And get away with it when they’re scum

I would find you, get an Uber, get them to drive me to your house, and arrange an accident for your pandas

What type of accident :thinking:

The one where they don’t live after