54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I consider it like this:

discord - dark
forums - light

it looks nice

1 Like

Give us more!

nah I’m going to hack into the super secret admin pages and disable all themes except best theme : ^ )

advanced strategy right here


Oh god

Lets see… what can we do with this little page here.

The last couple of days my head just hurts


I wasn’t even aiming to get this (nor do I actually have a limit :stuck_out_tongue:, at least that I’ve discovered) and yet here we are




So you know those glasses you get on new years

What if you made owo glasses
1 Like
  • Light Theme
  • Dark Theme
  • Grey Amber Theme

0 voters

Choose whichever one you like using. Essentialy, you have 3 votes and can use them on all 3 if you want!


TripleVoter role when?

Just reveal yourself as the mayor beforehand ez

@Frostwolf103 uncanon? Says the dude who goes on TOR all the time!



It’s for Heavy-RP, you should totally join

  • -2
  • -1
  • 0

0 voters

how good is this poll

  • -19
  • -18
  • -17
  • -16
  • -15
  • -14
  • -13
  • -12
  • -11
  • -10
  • -9
  • -8
  • -7
  • -6
  • -5
  • -4
  • -3
  • -2
  • -1
  • 0

0 voters

you literally can have negative numbers in polls :clap:


Fuck you and your polls


  • Polls
  • Are
  • Great

0 voters

That poll is biased.

I can hate polls.

Your trying to drown out my opinion.

It’s not no idea Wut you are talking about