54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

You got fooled by orange


Someone should spam him on Disc

He left Discord I think :frowning:

Guys quick turbo game lets go

3 Town
1 mafia

Nightless Someone host it :wink:

When you wake up, and your still tired from Thanksgiving

You are def still tired, hope he went back to bed

I did. Im feeling better now. Darkest Dungeon waits for no man.

he waits for this man bittchhh

Cult Templars Intensifies

My Boy the Abomination is here to save the day, with his stuns, DMG Buffs, and Crits

CRITICAL Finger into your only healer!

Fun fact, Discourse now has a new option in Preferences > Interface:
While I wouldn’t recommend using it until you’re not in any active games (especially if you’re scum), using this option should stop anybody from angleshooting action times for day abilities in forum games.

The more you know, right?

(Now I’m just hoping they split the option up so you can disable the presence but not the profile visibility)

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Hey guys

I just found out

how to do something

really cool with text

Oh no…

A new Phase in the Forums.

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Thing you found out

too bad I found it as well


Isn’t that just big text centre aligned? If so it’s not a new development :^)


but you can make it grow to the infinite!

flashbacks to mindnight :sweat:

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Mindnight can be fun. Its just that, like every social deduction game, someone fucks up, and costs you the game