54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Not always

Yeah i know. Im not trying to shit on them, but, Ive played enough ToS and ToL, and Some Mindnight do see both great and bad players. But, i do know, that One player can screw up an entire game, and even i have, multiple times (Looks at LoL)


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How do you do it and how do I stop the hippo quote happening again

I now realise this has the power to spin out of control

sweet satan

ptsd flashbacks


HOW LONG :pick: FeelsBadMan CAN THIS :pick: FeelsBadMan GO ON :pick:

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That looks AWFUL on mobile

It’s best I bury the monstrosity before it breeds


Its awful on CPU too.

Your Dangerously close to starting a very bad meme/trend on the forums.

Its scary :cry::cry:

@Icibalus reply to psy post, press the Bubble icon and then you see how it’s done

I have made a critical error in judgement


Why u do dis Ashe.

What makes you say that?

I can’t scroll past it to see messages or delete it
My god

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Doesnt work ######################################################################################################### doesnt work

I deleted it with a flag and still can’t scroll, I think it’s only hidden and not deleted :^)

I have basically no idea what’s happening sooo :^)