54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

| Col | Col | Col | | — | — | — | | A | B | C |


When I said remove the enters, I meant the double enters

Like keep the initial enters but don’t add extra ones like I did to show you the setup, if that makes sense

| Col 0 | Col 2 | Col 8 |
| — | — | — |
| A | B | C |

Still couldn’t

What kind of lines are you using in the 2nd row? Are they regular hyphens?


don’t have any spaces in the

Col 0 Col 2 Col 8

ok my keyboard typed — instead of - - -

Accused Votes Voters
Me 1 #neutsout
Evil guy 2 Evil guy 1, evil gui 42

What a fucking shitshow tbh @Kirefitten @PoisonedSquid

No talking about ongoing games

Lets talk about cats then

I like cats

Me too

They go meow

My cat likes going in between the couch cushions and having her back scratched at the same time

i am allergic to both cat and dog :frowning:

Rip that sucks boss

The chill police is here

1 Like

Do you have cats geyde?

I like cats that go diving :wink: