54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Same here, I’m not going to expect high quality gameplay like in the forums, but jeez, I hate being right and end up being ignored (Damn, I must be salty often cause now I’m forming a big brain mindset)

Also a problem with reaction tests is the limited time to pull them off.

Most players make the assumption that everything said is legitimate.

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I thought you were a somewhat seasoned FM player, at least thats the impression I got haha

1 time I made a joke And told random Person I jailed that I have 100% info they are scum and they were like:
Playing sorc sucks

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Exhume thatguy; killed by depression

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That may be only due to being a splurger of this genre.

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Thank you Shurian, very cool!

Pssh, ever since I tried to apply FoL logic to ToL I’ve ended up making more mistakes for myself than it’s worth.

Lol everyone executes me for trying to play like FoL in ToL

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Next time I’m gonna claim Butler as scum and gladiate any invest claims, see how that works out for me :thinking:



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Delet this

But it’s Shurian the Durian.
Don’t delet him.

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Jas when are Cookies being dispatched?

asking fur a friend

Honestly it’s only viable to do a reaction test as Prince

The forum has spoiler text now apparently

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rate my new avatar out of 10

gotta admit this is sorta uselss

-10/10 is not Miles Edgewoooooorth