54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


OwO who’s this


Where u bean

An RP site

Don’t have time for FoL or FM, the RP here is too fast paced for me


/pats Dama did you know Vulgard left?


I mean I still log in everyday. Just not posting.

New players around, too, it seems. And new mods and Fade left

Damn, you active lurk more than Boss

Hey I’m a known lurker

A hell of a good one

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Yeah, Captain is a judge now and Southrobin is a new mod. Insanitu is mod on Chinese servers

i’m still a nerd btw

Isn’t that old news

Might worth nothing I gave Monkke the right to host Godcard in the future if he’s interested

Icibalus changed his name to Ici :b: alus btw

Glad it’s not Iciphallus I mean what



“Shurian enters the arena…”

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You mean ItchyPhallus i mean what

I don’t know you that good but I like you


I like that you like me