54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

also I cant delete your quote


It’s not that

The Zalgo, dude. Delete the Zalgo.

Blue, how did you post in there :eyes:

Quoted a post from earlier. I can’t actually reach the bottom without crashing.

ISO feature

wait that thing crashes you wtf

I am not sure if you could flag a post inside someone’s profile.

It is crashing EVERYONE trying to go on the thread


why is my laptop immune to that

Uh, cause you’re the source? Just delete them dude.

well I deleted everything thats not normal and posted by me

Marl save us

Never do that again or i will be forced to actually ban you



Hjasik. “Empathetic”.

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This is for next year just in case I forget you exist or relevant

4/10 not centred on the head :^)


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