54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

oh yeh thanks for reminding me i’ll change my name on the ToL discord when i get the chance

since january 2017. woo wee

@Marluxion you finally got around to watching A:IW?

Hi random people

@Sam17z there’s the time where you are up but you need to actually wake up

(Also let’s bring it here)

It’s called. Waking up

Day light savings is coming soon I hear so like light will be earlier in the morning

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Except it’s not simple.

There’s the process of waking up but then there’s the process of actually being able to move.

Ehh, I wake up like 30 seconds after my alarm pops.

Also go to sleep now so you aren’t like killed in the morning

like you can get up and actually walk and do stuff?

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11 - 6:50 is my sleep hours about

Bus comes at 7:18

I Woke up at 3:30, suck it haters.

  • Firekitten go to sleep
  • Eat a marshmallows pillow
  • Stay up and play video games

0 voters

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Only hurting yourself

I know :cry:

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I am going to bed, even though its 8:30 rn

Im so god damn tired

Majority says dip so sleep time