54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Why 27?


Because I see it everywhere

Isn’t that 99? :eyes:

My lucky number is 3

On a serious note, mine is 6.

Don’t ask questions, I hate the number 2 and 4

any multiple of 5

which includes 420

does it includ 6


then u suck

If you had to choose one, which would you ban?

  • Ban Marl
  • Ban Ashe
  • Ban Boopy

0 voters

I would ban all 3

this is not a rigged poll that the mods told me to do so they know who to ban

how dare you
marl’s my least favourite by about 1 millimetre soooooo


ban xblade

Nobody wants to ban Ashe, huh?

actually be sure to cover the ban hammer in cold sneezes
then i’ll be happy :^)

let’s be honest

Everyone loves ashe