54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

one more

That’s two

Choose one

Is Ici considered a mod?

He isn’t

I would have Orange, FK, or Ici

I’m a Guide.

and Bazinga because he’s funnier

No. It’s not, i promise.

Okay so apparently we have four now

  • Baz
  • Firekitten
  • Ici
  • Orange

0 voters


gives a glass of whine to his paw

Enjoy yourself, Mr.WhineKitten.

I don’t want it though, it’s POISON

also I see the pun why u do dis

Too late, now you’re drunk.


Hjaisk put a dark hidden secret in the blur so no one can see it and you can laugh at us

This text will be blurred

so if I put my secret there no one will see it right?

Litizens are better than firekittens. :fire: :ok_hand:

I mean yea

my kink list

ha no