54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute




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Is this loss?

you’re loss

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He was best of us tbh

@Kirefitten What the Fuck did you Do.

Alice changed her Discord name to RIP.

Im kinda terrified rn.

Fucking hell…

Son of a bitch

If she legit quit the forums off of this, We legit need to bring up a massive discussion on the Forums about mental health and shit.

This is bad.

I can kind of relate, but still, it feels like a battlefield sometimes when everyone’s against you and you can’t do shit about it. It can be hard to remember that it’s all just a game and that nobody actually sees you in a certain way

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Yes, i know people take it personally sometimes, and they need to remind themselves that this is a game, but There is a thing called going too far.

What happened

Alice changed her Discord name to RIP and is not responding to messages.

Im not sure if she rage quit, or quit the forums or worse.

@í42-Xblade your help may be needed.


Why did you impersonate me ;-;

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He’s you, but better.

just like how Luxx is you but better :^)

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Ding dong your opinion is wrong.


You better not do anything stupid, my friend.