54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Smash Ultimate Demo`s will be out at Best Buy Nintendo switch kiosks some time this week or next week.

Ok ma friend

Dude, stop.

ay what did I do to you Insanity

You pledge to not reveal my personal info?

Or I am taking a knife after school to murder you @_@

Ok deal

@Insanity12 is 12 times as good as @Insanity

How sup Indonesia

Lol btw I am his best friend

Insanity I would run now while you can

No u.

You can’t run from the internet

It is too late, he is in my school ;-;

Bro wat class are you on

Alice did

(Its too soon i know)

You don’t ask.

Blizer. Shhh thanks too soon is an understatement

1 Like

Oh im sorry

Go do your hecking classwork :frowning:

It really fucking is and i should not have made that comment.