54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

0/10 didnt include me

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IF. WE CAN HIT 20 likes on this post.

I will read all of firekitten’s messages in this thread and record it. I am not allowed to look up contexts with them.


Reading FK comments for 10 hours

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@Kirefitten dont spam messages here just so you can make me suffer more pls

Honestly. I should also read @Isaac_Gonzalez’s entire forum post history while im at it.

Pinging me telling me not to do something is really annoying and makes me want to do it.

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Make it harsher, read all of my posts on the forum :smile_cat:


40 likes on that post and I’ll read every post by you on the forums.

@Marluxion you need to make 40 Alts stat this is an emergency

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why are you gonna read my entire forum history

@Solic dude have you been turboing on TOL or something or are you going to join my SFoL?

Have you been gone that long?


well you have if you literally forgot solic was on a vacation or something

No I know he is on a vacation, he’s on the forums a fair amount for being on vacation

Still on holiday. Being stuck in a hostel, because a bus was fully booked just gave me some time to catch up on all things internet. So I can’t join in good conscience.

How long until you return?

A week or so.

I will await the day between a Solic Vs Mathblade TvT


And I leave for Australia in a week
