54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

What do you need help balancing on tho

i already dmed you tho

The number of non-town roles should be 25-33%

Mafia should need

Mislynches = No. Of Mafia +1

So 10 vs 3 mountainous

Scum need 4 mislynches to win

can I go 2/8 scum

2 vs 8?

no 2vs6

Eh, depends on the town power, if town had a vigi them sure

:b:ashtag #alanced

11v2 for life don’t @ me

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15 town v 1 scum
hjasik always rolls scum
most balanced mountainous :^)


Why you do this to me

5 town vs 5 lost wolf And no night kills

Hjasik would just not talk and town would self destruct
Marl vs mathblade
Solic would deathtunnel a town

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Why is it Marl vs MathBlade now
What happened to the good old days of Marl vs PKR


You just bus pkr and no one falls for it anymore :^)

To be fair, when there is 13 other town, you couldn’t blame me too much for that.

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