54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Literally just leave the thread, this thread is for messing around in anyway

if your that mad lol

Ive heard of no jones here Fk.

Calm isaac

Jones? He’s a nice dude

Or I will become BD again

no plz stay

Which Jones?

That dead guy

You could just leave the thread for now tho
Not that I disagree that it’s annoying or anything

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You know

The skeleton

75% of people agree with this. We need 80 for this to be a rule


I understand now.

it’s not about “oh just leave the thread exdee lmao”

you people need to learn that being annoying =/= being funny

it’ll really help when you grow up

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no you big silly, that’s not jones, that’s bones!

Its My personality trait

Well sure but there’s better ways of showing them that than threatening to straight up ban them :^)

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By just straight up ignoring them?

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It’s better to let isaac get his daily 'noob’s out here instead of in a forum game tbh