54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

No I haven’t lol

I figured this out like months ago

I’m just super pumped up and have no way to release my energy right now so I’ll do it by showing secrets of features



I like how marl is avoiding my question :wink:


hover text: found on ifunny

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Hey Litten

you can also release energy by speaking in discord VC :smiley:

Absolutely not


Actually you talcing releases oxygen and energy from your body

so your wrongn

I’m super pumped up so I may do things I normally wouldn’t do good thing I’m not near a computer


You can VC from mobile

wait what

You can instead delet :^)

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I don’t have access to discord on my phone anyway

Get app from app store

I can’t download apps on my phone because the App Store is dumb


buy new phone